The most common distance or open water swim is miles (1,650 yards) or 1500 meters of swimming. One mile is really 1,609 meters or 1,760 yards, but in many swim races "The Mile" is 1500 (meters) or 1650 (yards). Swimming Swimming Pool Helps you prepare for a well-paced mile swim in a swimming pool or open water swim with Lifeguard Certification.
Swimming workout
Swim with 2 x 200 easy effort, take 1 minute for one minute after every 30 minutes.
for a Minute or Take two extra breaks, sip some water or a sports drink, and get ready for the main group with American Lifeguard Florida.
The first 10 x 100s are all about controlled speed. Do you want to change the speed, but you should not cook and do the quickest part. Controlled speed.
When the main set is underway, you swim less moderately and more quickly.
The last 25s are like the end of a race, the rest of you get in the swim.
(Click on the "Print" icon at the top right to make a workout copy to take with you to the pool)
About swimming work
This exercise is designed to take between 75 minutes and 90 minutes.
If it has too much time or space, then get things off, but don't always cut every workout the same way. And never loose the end of the workout. Use the last part of the technique before you leave the swimming pool at the end of the workout.
This number is in half the brackets after the set description - (: 30 - This is how much you rest after each swim. For example, 6 x 100 (: 30 means you swim 100 (yards or meters)), the remaining 30 seconds, and then repeat five times.
There is nothing special about these swimming practice sessions, other than what you bring to them. There is a lot of freedom here. You control how fast or fast you can swim and the swim shots you want to use when swimming workouts. Usually resting up to swim will limit your high-speed workout, but that doesn't mean you can go fast all the time. Some guidelines:
- The more relaxed you get, the faster you swim.
- The early parts of a workout should always be moderate and purposeful.
- Use your best swimming technique.
- If you are very tired, stop exercising and regain it in the future.
- Enjoy workouts.
- Change the strokes you do from time to time, try new things, and don't get caught up in the race.
- Each workout has:
- Warm Up
- Stroke drills or swimming techniques
- Kicking
- Dragging
- The main set
- Loosen or cool down
- Further reading for swimmers for swimming activities:
- Aerobic Swimming Speeds - How Can I Swim Fast?
- Help swimming technique
- More Swimming for Swimmers
Warm up for your swim workout
Before you "hit hard" on a swim workout, you want to be sure you are warm. Just like there are myriad ways to do and types of swimming workouts, there are countless different methods to do and the kind of swim warm-up.
The majority of swimming warm-ups involve some swimming, perhaps some stretching , kicking, technique exercises and pulling, and much more later. As I get older (and maybe lazier) I find myself stretching less as a separate part of the habit, but I still think it's a good idea.
As I mentioned above, there are many ways to workout and practice. What you do for a workout can be based on a workout. For example, if you go butterfly swimming on some parts of the exercise, it's a good idea to do some butterfly drills during that exercise habit.